Contacts and establishments
Contacts for production plants
Lakum - KTL, a.s.
Ostravska 384
739 11 Frydlant nad Ostravici
Czech Republic
Business ID No: 25390538
Tax ID No: CZ25390538
Company provide surface treatment & CNC metal sheet processing
Lakum - AP, a.s.
Ostravska 384
739 11 Frydlant nad Ostravici
Czech Republic
Business ID No: 26834456
Tax ID No: CZ26834456
Company provide Metal stamping on eccentrical presses
Lakum - Galma, a.s.
Prazska 1648
396 01 Humpolec
Czech Republic
Business ID No: 28565860
Tax ID No: CZ28565860
Company provide surface treatment.
MASSAG, a.s.
Opavská 272
743 11 Bílovec
Česká republika
Business ID No: 00010367
Tax ID No: CZ00010367
Společnost nabízí výrobu logistických prostředků, drobného kovového zboží a povrchové úpravy.
Spisová značka: B 117 vedená u Krajského soudu v Ostravě Den zápisu: 29. prosince 1990
New inquiries will handle for you

Marek Hlavatý
Sales Representative of Surface Treatments

Bc. Petr Macicek
Sales Representative of Sheet Metal Processing

Purchasing department

Ing. Sarka Durcakova
Buyer metallurgical material

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Sales Department

Marek Hlavatý
Sales Representative of Surface Treatments

Bc. Petr Macicek
Sales Representative of Sheet Metal Processing
Human resources and payroll department


Technology and construction

Quality management

Monika Kolarova, DiS
Quality management of Surface treatments

Ing. Renata Aserova
Quality management of Sheet metal processing
Head of Production

Ing. Petr Verba
Head of the Surface Treatment Division

Ing. Vlastimil Koval
Head of the Sheet Metal Processing Division
Sales Department

Bc. Vaclav Kopecek
Sales representative Metal stamping
Human recources and payroll department

Quality management

Head of Production

Sales Department

Human recources

Control centre

Quality management

Technology department

Technical development support


Accounting department

Head of Production

Director of the company